viernes, 27 de junio de 2008

Alice Munro en The New Yorker

The New Yorker publica un cuento de la siempre observadora, divertida y nostálgica Alice Munro.

"Sally packed devilled eggs—something she usually hated to take on a picnic, because they were so messy. Ham sandwiches, crab salad, lemon tarts—also a packing problem. Kool-Aid for the boys, a half bottle of Mumm’s for herself and Alex. She would have just a sip, because she was still nursing. She had bought plastic champagne glasses for the occasion, but when Alex spotted her handling them he got the real ones—a wedding present—out of the china cabinet. She protested, but he insisted, and took charge of them himself, the wrapping and packing"...

1 comentario:

Andrea Fernández Callegari dijo...

Mira que coincidencia, Kat.
Antes de pasar por tu blog, leí el cuento en la página del New Yorker!
Voy a ver si encuentro un libro de Alice Munro en Crisol, jajaja.

No te olvides de escribirme.

Un besote,